Monthly Archives: March 2017

Why is it a necessity to service your AC before Summer arrives?

  WHY IS IT A NECESSITY TO SERVICE YOUR AC BEFORE SUMMER ARRIVES? According to the US Department of Energy, heating and cooling costs account for roughly 54% of our utility bills. Without routine AC maintenance, your unit loses about 5% of its efficiency with every year of operation. You will recoup the cost [...]

2017-09-13T09:09:29-05:00March 13th, 2017|AC Maintenance, News|

Can You Save Money by Closing HVAC Vents in Unused Rooms?

Do you think it is a good idea to close AC Vents? In Louisiana, we really enjoy are Air Conditioning, especially during our really hot summer months. We spend a lot of money cooling our homes, and we are always looking for ways to reduce the cost whether it is about better insulation, regulating [...]

2017-09-13T09:11:56-05:00March 6th, 2017|AC Maintenance, AC Repair, News|