Monthly Archives: March 2020

Is Your AC Working Overtime Right Now?

Are you home with your entire family right now? This means your AC is probably working overtime. It is getting warmer outside and while you are trying to keep the kids entertained with indoor and outdoor activities, your AC will be working 24/7. This can put a strain on your unit. Get your system [...]

2020-03-23T14:32:36-05:00March 23rd, 2020|AC Maintenance, AC Repair, News|

Coronavirus Concerns: Improve Air Quality With The Air Scrubber

Coronavirus Concerns: Improve Air Quality With The Air Scrubber Right now there are over 100 coronavirus cases in Louisiana. The majority of the cases have been found in the New Orleans area.  That's why everyone is increasingly concerned about their potential exposure to viruses, bacteria, allergens, mold and other air pollutants. Furthermore,  allergies affect [...]

2020-03-16T08:57:07-05:00March 15th, 2020|News|