Prepare Your AC For Storms

Daiken AC UnitsThe 2018 Hurricane season still seems to be at its peak and a storm can hit at any time. While you prepare your home for the storm including boarding up your windows do not forget to get your air conditioner ready before the storm hits. For more information on how to prepare your entire home for bad weather visit

What You Can Do Before The Storm

There are a few things you can do to keep your AC unit safe before a storm. Try to cool you home down ahead of a the bad weather. Once the conditions deteriorate, disconnect or turn off electricity to  your AC system to avoid damage from electrical surges. If you expect Hurricane force winds, cover your air conditioner after you turned it off. Cover the unit with a tarp or maybe even plywood to protect if from flying debris. You should also secure your unit with straps to keep it in place during strong wind gusts. Once the storm has passed, take a close look at your unit to make sure it has not been damaged before you tun it back on. If you are not sure what to do, or your air conditioning unit received some damage call the experts!

Air Conditioning Ambulance

If your AC breaks down, call Air Conditioning Ambulance at 504-467-1400 and we will keep you cool. We can help you with regulating your thermostat with zoning which allows for customized comfort throughput your home or business.We also provide Air Conditioning Repair, New Air Conditioner installation, AC Maintenance, and even Heating Units and Repairs