What’s That Smell…..

whats-that-smellIt’s the time of year, when we fire up the heater and get the house warm during our New Orleans Winter month. You have probably smelled it in the past..It smells like something is burning. Most of the time, there is nothing to worry about. It is normal. During this time of year, the fire department gets a lot calls reporting a burning smell in their homes, and most of the time it is a false alarm. However, it is not unreasonable to call a professional to come and check out your HVAC system. There are instances that this smell can mean trouble.

It’s important that you pay attention and make sure there really is no risk of a fire or damage to your unit. Here are some reasons why your heater might emit the odor and what you can do to fix and avoid it.

It’s the First Time You’ve Used it in the Winter

The most common reason for the smell is just that it is just getting kicked started for the first time in months.  Dust might have settled in your system during the time it wasn’t being used and may be stirred up once you use it. Dust will burn off quickly and the smell should go away soon.

The Filter is Clogged

Check your filters for they may have gotten dirty and clogged during the hot new orleans summer. You can replace your filters to avoid this smell. Once your filter is clean, the smell should not be a problem.

Clear the area around your HVAC Units

There are a lot of things that can get near your unit that can be a problem. Foreign materials should not be placed beside or near the unit or vents. When your heater is being used and something is placed too close, there is a chance that it may become hot and might burn. Check for fabric, plastics, or any flammable material near your unit and remove it. Regular inspection should also be done by a professional for such clearance to ensure safety.

Other Cause

If you start to smell something burning, don’t just assume it is dust burning off your unit. Go check it out to make sure nothing is burning. If you think you smell something like gas or other odors from your unit, call a professional right away.


Take these precautions every year and also consider getting a professional to check out your unit. This not only will protect your home from possible fires, but it will also help to maintain your unit. Keeping yourself comfortable during the winter season should not mean being worried of the risk of a fire. A/C Ambulance can keep your home safe by conducting maintenance service regularly and by answering any questions you may have in regards to your heater repair.